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Before Registering


Austin Champions Homeschool Athletics Association (ACHAA) was established to provide homeschooled youth with opportunities to compete in competitive athletic events, under Christian leadership and guidelines, competition with teams from other programs- -homeschool, private school, and public school.

Before registering, please review the following items below.

By registering, we acknowledge that we meet the homeschool eligibility guidelines, as well as agree that we have discussed the Player's Code of Conduct with our child or children that compete with Austin Champions Christian Homeschool Athletics.  We understand that anyone is welcome to participate, but that coaches are Christians and will uphold Christian values and may talk about their personal faith.

Homeschool Eligibility:

"Homeschooling" is defined to mean that a student’s education is parent-directed and is not under Texas UIL or TAPPS directive.  If you are unsure if your student fits the qualifications, please discuss it with us.  Students who are not homeschooled, should register for the Running & Conditioning program, which is available for cross country and track.


Physical:  Every athlete must have a current (within a year) sports physical to participate in the Austin Champions programs.  Usually these can be obtained for about $20.  Please see a coach if you would like a recommendation.

Playing Time, Team and Individual Practice: The mission of ACHHA is to compete in competitive youth sports at the highest level in a Christ-like atmosphere. Participants must realize that in competitive play, there is no guarantee for a minimum amount of playing time. The goal is to provide all participants ample opportunity to be trained and to develop their talents. All participants are expected to attend all scheduled practices and games. If extenuating circumstances occur, or you are aware of planned absences (vacation, etc.), you are expected to notify your coach as soon as you know you will be absent. Coaches will consider faithful attendance of meets, as well as practices, when weighing the merits of game playing time.

Player’s Code of Conduct: All players, coaches, parents and fans must abide by the following code of conduct when attending or participating in any ACHHA function. The actions of each person reflect on the entire homeschooling community. Players must:

1. Demonstrate Godly character qualities at all times at or away from ACHHA functions.   

2. Strive to develop their God-given gifts in character, academics, and athletic skill.

3. Honor those in authority including coaches, parents, and officials by accepting at all times their decisions without argument, grumbling, booing, or gesturing of any kind.

4. Honor their teammates by submitting to the greater good of the team at the expense of their own ambitions.

5. Honor their teammates by giving them encouragement and by trying to develop an attitude that places others’ needs before their own.   

6. Be at all practices and games, and notify the Coach as soon as possible if they will miss. Players understand that missing several practices without notice or without reasonable explanation is grounds for discipline.

7. Use wholesome language, and not maliciously talk to or about teammates, parents, coaches or officials. Treat others as they wish to be treated.

8. Honor their opponents by playing their best while not engaging in taunting, baiting, or ridiculing of any kind. 

9. Not initiate physical violence or contact with another when the player knows or should reasonably believe the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.

10. Honor my body and that of others as reserved for the sole purpose to serve God, and therefore abstain from any and all sexual relationships or contact. 

11. Not use performance-enhancing drugs (PED), tobacco, alcohol or any other controlled drug in an illegal manner.

12. Not post, submit, send, or publish inappropriate, slanderous, derogatory, sexually suggestive, sexually explicit, or any form of negative comments, photos, texts, etc. to any electronic, public or private entity which includes, but is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, personal emails, personal web pages, personal or private chatrooms, personal texting/cell phone numbers or accounts. Sending any form of inappropriate item as enumerated above will not be tolerated regardless of the intended recipient. Once sent, consequences designated by the Team Coaches and/or Director of the sport will occur.

13.  Understand that all players will participate and compete in the gender category labeled on his/her birth certificate and will agree to be called by the matching pronoun.  

14. Understand that all players are subject to disciplinary action for violating this code of conduct (up to and including permanent suspension from ACHHA) at the discretion of the Team Coaches, Sport Coordinator, and Board of Directors, who have the final say on matters of behavior and definition.

Disciplinary Action for Violation of the Code of Conduct:

This code shall be in force for all Austin Champions athletes during practice and during meets. Disciplinary actions can range from but are not limited to: volunteer hours, reprimands, being sent home from practice or meets, at the parent’s expense, expulsion from the team, or receiving any other disciplinary action the head coach deems necessary.


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