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Registration Forms


We care about all of our athletes' health and well-being.  An annual physical is a requirement for all athletes.  This form is attached for your convenience.  It will need to be turned in before any competition with our team  

participation physical form 2019 (1).pdf

We will also need to keep a medication and emergency form on hand during practices as well as any meet or games of our athletes.  Please print the following 2 documents and send with your child to the first practice.  Even during a trial or test period of the team, including before registration, these 2 forms are necessary in order to ensure the best possible care of your child in the event of an emergency.  

ACCHA Medication _ Emergency Form.pdf

AUSTIN CHAMPIONS Liability waiver (1).pdf

These documents will need to be updated annually as they will be shredded at the end of each school year. 


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